Facebook Knows Me Best

Do you know the REAL KITTY? Apparently I don’t either, but Facebook does! Facebook has been gathering all of my data for 8 years or so. All of my searches, likes, articles I read, posts, as well as the essence of my eternal soul. And they have compiled a list of interests that reveal my…

I am more than the sum of my datum

The internets know a bit about me. I’ve never made a particular effort to hide my online behaviors from the “powers that be” because, well, it’s not very interesting or particularly revealing. I’m also curious about for what all of this seemingly banal data might be used . I see the targeted ads, and they…

social media is making my head explode

So yeah, I twitter. I actually enjoy twittering as a creative mini-exercise. What is fascinating in life, and how do I write it in under 140 characters? It can be quite an exercise in concision, and also a good way to determine what is relevant. Not that everything I tweet is relevant, by any stretch…